3.4 Difference between passing structure by value and by pointer

By Value :


struct node

        int date;
        int num;
        char name;
void fun(struct node n);

        struct node n;
void fun(struct node n1)
        n1.date = 10;
        n1.num  = 99;
        n1.name = 'a';
        printf("%d %d %c\n",n1.date,n1.num,n1.name);
        printf("size of node = %d\n",sizeof(struct node));



10 99 a
size of node = 12
Note : passing a structure it takes 12 bytes
 By Pointer :


struct node


        int date;

        int num;

        char name;


void fun(struct node *n);



        struct node n;



void fun(struct node *n1)


        n1->date = 10;

        n1->num  = 99;

        n1->name = 'a';

        printf("%d %d %c\n",n1->date,n1->num,n1->name);

        printf("size of node = %d\n",sizeof(n1));


Op :

10 99 a

size of node = 4

Note : passing a pointer it takes only 4 bytes.


Differences :

1 Structure passing through a pointer faster than passing through a value.

2 Structure passing through a pointer we saves the memory. Because structure passing through a pointer it takes only 4 bytes in above program.The same program strucutre passing through a value it takes 12 bytes.


Written by Admin

Aliquam molestie ligula vitae nunc lobortis dictum varius tellus porttitor. Suspendisse vehicula diam a ligula malesuada a pellentesque turpis facilisis. Vestibulum a urna elit. Nulla bibendum dolor suscipit tortor euismod eu laoreet odio facilisis.